Makina Omanga - (Nsanja ya Tower)
Tower - Yotayika yomwe ilipo tsopano yokhazikitsidwa pa zida zam'manja imagwira ntchito zingapo zofunika.
Choyamba, imateteza chingwe. Mwa kuyimitsa chingwe mlengalenga, kumalepheretsa kulumikizana mwachindunji komanso kutsutsana pakati pa chingwe ndi nthaka kapena nthaka - zinthu zochokera. This significantly reduces the risk of cable damage due to abrasion and scratches, thus extending the cable's lifespan and minimizing electrical failures and safety hazards caused by cable breakage.

Kachiwiri, zimatsimikizira kugwira ntchito motetezeka kwa zida zamafoni. Avoiding the interference of ground materials with the cable prevents situations where the cable is squeezed or entangled by materials, which could otherwise damage the cable or impede the operation of the mobile equipment. Izi zimathandiza kuti chingwecho chibwezeretsedwe ndikukula bwino panthawi ya foni yam'manja, ndikutsimikizira kuti amalimbikira ntchito yake.
Chachitatu, chimasintha madenga. Popeza chingwecho chimakwezedwa mlengalenga, sichikhala m'malo. This enables more flexible use of the ground area for material storage, personnel operation, or the layout of other equipment, thus enhancing the overall utilization of the site space.

Pomaliza, imalimbikitsa zachilengedwe kutengera kutengera zachilengedwe. In complex working environments like construction sites or logistics warehouses, where the ground conditions are intricate with various materials and obstacles, this device enables the cable to avoid these adverse factors. Zotsatira zake, zida zam'manja zimatha kusintha zinthu zosiyanasiyana zachilengedwe mpaka pamlingo wina, kukulitsa mitundu yake yofunikira. Komabe, ziyenera kudziwitsidwa kuti chipangizochi chili ndi malire pankhani ya malo omwe agwiritsidwa ntchito.